Do You Have a Plan for Your Spiritual Growth?

Have you dedicated yourself to careful, slow, but steady progress in your spiritual growth? Do you have a spiritual growth plan?

As you will probably hear a lot here at Hasten, we believe in the work philosophy of Festina Lente.

Say what?

Festina Lente is an idea that goes back to Rome (at least). The translation is that we should Hasten Slowly. The idea is that the fastest and best progress is made in an attitude of slow haste. We prepare well, plan well, and execute carefully; in the end, we make fewer mistakes, waste less money, and move faster because things work well and last. We don’t have time to make mistakes that take longer to fix. We refuse perfectionism and analysis paralysis, we will move steadily forward, but we will do so well.

Hasten Slowly. Festina Lente.

This takes planning and applies everywhere. Physical health. Money. And even spiritual matters.

Have you dedicated yourself to careful, slow, but steady progress in your spiritual growth? Do you have a spiritual growth plan?

I admit that slow consistency is a challenge for me. I am a sprinter by nature. However, I have learned that sprinting before training well ends in town hamstrings. In my spiritual walk, steady, consistent progress is always the victorious tortoise.

Here is an example of my spiritual growth plan for the rest of this year.

1. I will read directly through the Bible.

I like to purchase a paperback/cheap bible in a translation I can read easily (usually the NLT) and read straight through the Word like it is a novel. There are so many ways to read scripture: slow study, stretching for Jesus, learning God’s ways, and looking for the overarching theme(s).

This time I am reading for the overall mission of God throughout the scripture and to learn more of God’s ways that I can apply to my life.

Also, instead of reading the NLT this year in a paperback, I got an affordable 2020 NASB Single Column in green leather (at Barnes & Noble). I want to read a new translation this year to stretch my casual Bible reading ability.

2. I will Mark passages that stand out and meditate on them throughout the day.

My bibles look like coloring books. I highlight different things that stand out in different colors. Then, in those highlights, there will always be one thing that sticks in my mind. I don’t stop on it, but take note of it and come back to it after I read.

Yesterday, it was how Lot wasn’t supposed to go with Abraham. God told Abraham to leave his relatives, but Abraham wanted to do a good thing and feel like a father figure, so he disobeyed. God didn’t rebuke this, as it was a beautiful idea, but in the end it hurt Lot and his family. All day I thought about things that in my own understanding I had done that went against what God said. It all

Turned out bad. I had a long talk with Darlene about this idea.

I meditated on that all day yesterday. That’s the idea. Read, let the Holy Spirit highlight certain scripture, and think and talk about it.

3. Spend daily time in prayer and worship.

However you pray best, do so. I always pray well on my knees hiding from the world. However, right now I want to think about the goal of not just encountering God, but walking with God.

Yesterday, I got up with my coffee and watched the sunset. I could feel the sun’s warmth on my face, actual warmth. I was thinking, honestly, about my failures, and then I heard the Lord say, as the warmth warmed my skin, “My mercy and grace are all over you. I love you”

As I sat there, now warmed by His love and grace, I worshipped quietly.

Find a way to enjoy God’s presence. Slow down. Listen to your heart and if you don’t hear anything (which you will, soon), pour your heart out to Him and then sit and wait.

4. I will do the things that help me connect with God.

Each of us has unique ways in which we connect with God. One person may connect to God while running, while I, on the other hand, feel like I may be going to see God while running. Others like the outdoors while in prayer. Others make art. Others serve others.

I am a person who connects to God much much better when I am serving in the mission. It took me a long time to realize that what I love most about traveling to unreached, sometimes difficult, challenging areas is the closeness to God I feel. Now, doing this daily isn’t sustainable, I must learn to get in my closet and talk with Jesus, but I can make plans to do the things that help us get closer to him more often. Another of my ways is worship. If I can turn off the world and see Him on the throne, I am thrilled and connect with God more easily.

5. I will connect more with others about my HONEST walk with God.

The first thing that God said was NOT GOOD was that man was alone. Listen, no matter how much you have told yourself that you prefer it just being you and God, you still NEED others. Probably, your level of sanctification is not enough to put up with other’s existence. Your seclusion is a sign of your ungodliness, not the other way around.

I have decided to build true and honest friendships that are not surface religious level, but in the deep real. The other night Darlene and I had a long, wonderful, and honest conversation about real issues with some long-term friends. We all seemed to grow from it, and there was no acting. Honestly demanded humility and more honesty in return. I thrive on these conversations. They help me grow in God by helping me to see my true self better. Remember, the only person you will never be able to see directly in yourself.

That is my spiritual growth plan for the rest of this year. Have you made one for yourself? If not, I’d like to challenge you to do so.

Here are some more ideas:

  • Read One Spiritual Book a Month
  • Volunteer to Serve at Least one Day per Month at your church.
  • Go on a daily walk with God.
  • Pray while you drive to work every day.
  • Read a Proverb daily.

Keep it simple so you can keep it consistent. The goal is not to read the Bible in a week (unless you are led to) but to read the Word daily. Festina Lente, hasten slowly. Grow daily. Meet with him consistently until who he is daily rubbing off on you are.