We have a big announcement! The D Stanley party of four are heading overseas together!
After our upcoming fundraising tour (God willing), we (Dustan & Darlene) will take our precious children on the road with us for the first time since we became a forever family. This will be their first international trip! We plan to spend a few months at a time in South Asia, immersed in our work amongst at-risk children and unreached people groups.
We are SO excited to introduce our kids to Asia and to our extended family (including their brothers and sisters) on the mission field!
We have new ministries and kids’ homes to launch in Nepal, and the Lord has given us a strategy to implement for Hasten’s global work over the next few years. We feel this trip is needed for the sake of both our work in the nations and our future work in our nation (the USA). The timing couldn’t be better. While we wait for our house to sell and for the Lord’s release to move to our new headquarters in the USA, we have time to nurture the beautiful work God has given us to steward in Asia.
We are excited, nervous, sober, and ready to see God’s grace at work amongst our little family. Going into all the world as a married couple is very different from going as a family of four (with two little kids).
In one way, there are many more expenses and a mountain of new things to consider, but we know that God’s faithfulness never changes. The same God who has walked with us around the world will walk with us and our kids in the months ahead. No matter the state of the world, the command of Jesus remains: Go into all the world, preach the Gospel to all creation, and make disciples of all nations. We must remain ready to obey the Lord in trust whenever and wherever He leads.
In your life, you must be ready in season and out. Obedience often means preparation. We must prepare our lives to be ready to obey the Lord at any moment. Often, that means lightening your load, cleaning out the clutter, and removing the obstacles that keep you from obeying God. Not everyone is called to go to the nations, but we are ALL called to love those people we come across daily. If our lives are so busy and cluttered that we never have time for anyone outside of our family, there is room for improvement. God wants to use us, but we are often too busy for Him or for those He wants us to serve.
As we prepare and go, will you pray for us? Also, will you consider giving a special financial gift or becoming a monthly partner?
As we prepare and go, will you pray for us? We are asking people to become at least $30-per-month partners to help with all the ministry projects we have lined up over the next year. These projects include at least two more kids’ homes, a new missionary mentorship program, a minister’s conference in Asia, and our upcoming winter outreach to multiple villages. Also, we are in the middle of planning for our new Hasten Nations headquarters in the USA.
We’ll keep you in the know! God bless you all! We love ya!
All to Jesus,
Dustan (& Darlene & Daisy & Daniel)
P.S. To give, go here: https://hasten.tv/-dustanstanleycom/give